Blood Bank
Blood Bank is the division of the hospital that that collects, stores, processes, and transfuses blood. Whole blood is collected from the donor and separated into components. Thereafter blood components are stored, tested and issued to the patient after matching the stored blood component to the patient’s blood.
We at Bhagat Chandra Hospital have been running a state of the art licensed 24 hour blood bank since the year 2011. Availability of Blood Bank within the hospital premises helps us in providing enhanced health care to the patient. Our expert Pathologists ensure that the highest standards are maintained ensuring the delivery of safe blood components to the patients.
We also offer specialised test for screening of the donated blood which further reduce the chances of transfusion associated transmission of infection. These tests are done over and above the routine testing done for all donated blood as per NACO guidelines.
• Whole Blood
• Packed Red Blood Cells (PRBC)
• Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP)
• Platelet Concentrate
• Cryoprecipitate
• Platelet & Plasma Apheresis
• NAT Screening
• Chemiluminescence
• IV Generation ELISA (HIV) Hep B & C
• Anti HbC
• Antibody screening (DONOR & PATIENT) BY 3 Cell panel
• Leucofiltered by integral filter/per storage filter
• Leucofilteration platelets
• Leucofilteration using quadruple bag
BCH encourages voluntary donation by healthy donors as recommended by NACO. All donors are screened by the Blood Bank Officer and allowed to donate blood only if they satisfy the guidelines set by NACO.